
How to get the most from this blog... While visiting turn on one of my favorite songs brought to you by youtube and snag a Kjenn Jie Noch (what we use) Wi Leahre Plautdietsch (also good) I have linked to them. Top posts are in ascending order thus if it is your first time visiting start at the end. If you wish to have a scanned copy of any image I own email me, they are free for personal use. My personal library is open for research to local GMR's and students, for use on site only.
Gott saajne!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

GMR in Brief

A few years ago I found myself dejected while driving though the county seeing only the remaining bones of my family heritage.  I found it so profoundly sad I decided I must continue the traditions of my German from Russia Mennonite Pioneer ancestors whom so bravely ventured forth seeking freedom and carving a life path for my family.

Photo by sara tieszen paschal
Mennonite Homestead Bones rural Turner County South Dakota

What am I talking about?  German from Russia?  GMR?   Yes, my ancestors are German.  They emigrated to Russia in search of religious freedom.  Catherine the Great welcomed them with open arms.  She willingly gave them land on the Russian Steeps and permitted communal living.    The German Mennonites could preserve heritage, language, religious freedom and exemption from military service by taking the land in Russia.   So the emigration began and the German Mennonites set up a self governing state on the steeps of Russia.  Throughout history Mennonites are known to be overachieving hard workers.  This trait was a double edged sword for the GMR's.  Our ancestors became so adept at cultivating the steeps the Russian government wanted their part of the harvest.  Harvest being the increasing wealth and population of the GMR's.  They made it impossible to enlarge tracts of land for the growing GMR families.  Amidst growing frustrations in the areas of land, religion, language, taxes and military service, so labeled the Russification of the German Mennonite, communities decided to emigrate once again seeking the simple secluded way of the GMR's.
America on the Horizon...